Welcome To Sparky’s

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Welcome To Sparky’s Free Download is a simple game. You will have your chance to read the info about this game. And then you can get in to find out what will really happen to you in this version.

The game will send you to a world, and there will be no chance for you to win. If there is one only chance, it will be the final night when all machines come to you. They will try to kill you, but at the same time, the escape will be free.

Welcome To Sparky’s Download:

This game is free for you, so there will be no money that you need to spend on it!

About the game:

Welcome To Sparky’s ask you to be their night guard, and your job will last for the whole week. All you need to do is take care of the machine and make them happy.

You have a 6 hours job from 12 pm to 6 am. Night shall come soon, and there will be no way for you to run!


by: Kaisen @Kaisen

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Welcome To Sparky’s