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FNF Character Test Playground 2 Mod

Played 2267 times.


FNF Character Test Playground 2 Mod isn’t a new mod, but each item has its own set of voices. Do you want to hear your favorite music in a new way?

FNF Character Test Playground 2 Mod is a mod that makes several alterations to the original songs that were previously utilized. Instead of employing original tunes, the game creator used cover versions of popular songs such as Goodbye Sengen, Lagtrain, and Sand Planet. Furthermore, the creator has kept the original game mode, which is the icon effects.

Furthermore, in this FNF Character Test Playground 2 Mod upgrade, the creators will pay closer attention to the narratives so that you may learn more about the game and approach it more thoroughly than in the previous edition.

They were popular songs before, but now they have fresh voices. They will undoubtedly impress millions of gamers and entice them to try out the mod. Sometimes the fresh singers of old songs may provide a one-of-a-kind experience. Friday Night Funkin, being one of the world’s most popular music games, always knows how to achieve this.

Download this mod as soon as possible on your device in order to benefit from the enhancements. You may also play the game entirely on the game’s official website. You can get to FNF Mods in a variety of easy ways.

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FNF Character Test Playground 2 Mod