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FNF Character Test Playground 4 Mod

Played 3142 times.


FNF Character Test Playground 4 Mod has fantastic animations and is one of the greatest modifications for pro players. Let’s give it a shot now to discover who designed the game.

FNF Character Test Playground 4 Mod has been updated. Previous versions of the health bar symbol, according to the game creator, were of poor quality; hence, he decided to develop a good performance for pro gamers who like amazing animation. This mod is ideal for those that enjoy charming cartoons. The mod also keeps some old icons so you don’t get confused.

The game creator, on the other hand, modified the style of the symbols to make them appear more adorable and vibrant. If you’ve ever played Friday Night Funkin, you’ll enjoy it because it shares many similarities with other FNF Mods. It does, however, have fresh tweaks that make Friday Night Funkin more exciting.

This FNF Character Test Playground 4 Mod will be more accessible to you thanks to the additional game types in this iteration. You will have the option to practice simple abilities before tackling a larger and more challenging task. But you will undoubtedly triumph.

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FNF Character Test Playground 4 Mod